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BillyFather, Husband, Nerd.
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Mighty Micro's microdosing products changed my life by helping me manage my stress and anxiety, leading to improved quality time with my loved ones. Their exceptional customer service and reliable, potent products never disappoint. They are doing important work in providing natural solutions for mental health challenges. I highly recommend Mighty Micro.
SunshineMom, Wife, Nurse, and Psychology Enthusiast.
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As a busy mom and nurse, I didn't have much time to play with my kids. That's why I tried Mighty Micro - It takes just a few minutes a day. It improved my focus, patience, and creativity. It also gave me much-needed mental breaks so I could return to my tasks refreshed. I highly recommend it to any parent looking to strengthen family connections and encourage cognitive development.
Aria Spencer
Aria SpencerCustomer Support.
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Mighty Micro as a company allows me the freedom to work with people on a level that I have always dreamed about.

I get to talk to real people every day and help them CHANGE THERE LIVES with Micro-Dosing training.

Customer Stories

Did it save my life??? 10000% YES!!!! I had tried every single antidepressant out there. Took a handful every single day for 30 years. I never missed a dose. Did it help? No. I was still depressed. I still had debilitating anxiety. Covid only made things so much worse.

Over the years I self medicated. I became addicted to opiates about 15 years ago. After accidentally overdosing outside of my son's school I went to rehab. After my divorce in 2015 I turned to alcohol. I drank myself into daily blackouts. I even missed my father's funeral because I had been on a 2 week bender. I never got the chance to tell him how sorry I was or that I really did love him..I was just a very sick person and I didn't know what to do.

I was able to stop drinking on my own right before Covid but the Depression and anxiety riddled me to the core. I never left my house. I ordered groceries, ordered dinner for my kids, avoided going anywhere. I sat in a chair for hours, days..just existing. I knew there had to be something out there for me. Surely this couldn't be what my life was going to be like.

I started researching alternative treatments for bipolar, depression and anxiety. I found numerous articles and studies from ayahuasca retreats to ketamine therapy. I looked into everything. The pros, the cons, the side effects. Meanwhile I was still taking those antidepressants every single day. 6 months ago my Dr and I decided we would do a complete overhaul and start fresh with a whole new menu of scripts. 6 weeks of rapid cycling and I knew these weren't going to work either. I had all but given up.

In February I started thinking about how my family would get along if I weren't in it. I had to make a drastic change and the time was now. I was scrolling through Facebook and came across an ad where Michael was sharing his story. A tear streamed down my face and it spoke to me. The next day without telling anyone I started weaning off all of my antidepressants. They weren't working anyway and I knew from my research that it was better to be off when I started microdosing. 3 days later I placed my order. I was terrified to be off my meds. I had been in the mental hospital before. I knew I didn't want to go back. I was physically sick from withdrawal but I pushed through it.

My order finally arrived and the next morning I took my first dose. Nothing happened. No warm fuzzy feeling. No sense of peace or calm. Nothing. But I didn't give up. I kept taking it. 3 days in and I realized that my knee wasn't bouncing all day as it normally did. I noticed that when my mom and I would talk that I didn't snap her head off. That weekend I sat on my front porch and the sky and trees seemed brighter. The colors were more vivid. I actually cooked dinner for my family because I had the energy to stand at the stove. It wasn't huge changes but it was enough for me. 2 weeks into dosing and my normal nightly PTSD driven nightmares suddenly stopped.

I wasn't having to take naps everyday. I was tolerating my son more and we were actually spending more time together ā¤ļø And now....here I am 2 plus months later. I'm completely off antidepressants. I'm thriving each and everyday. I'm actually happy šŸ˜Š when I get up in the morning. I'm not dreading each moment anymore. I had no idea that life could be like this.

My family is thrilled with the new me. On Mother's day I went by my father's gravesite to change out the flowers. I stood there with tears streaming down my face because for the first time I could tell he was proud of me. That's what microdosing has done for me and I will be forever grateful for Michael and the entire family at Mighty Micro for all of the support they have shown me. šŸ™ So thank you from the bottom of my heart ā¤ļø
I'm going on week 5 and it's been a game changer. I no longer suffer crippling anxiety at work/public speaking/social setting. I am able to confidently communicate my ideas, needs, and wants at home, work etc because I feel grounded and present now. My focus and energy level have increased, in general and I have the desire to have a life outside of work. It sounds cheezy, but I'm finally free to be my authentic self. Thank you, MM.
I was suicidal at 14. Iā€™m 70 now so that was unheard of in my family. I was committed at 28 and again at 43. Many rounds of antidepressants. When I found mighty micro I quit 3 antidepressants in one week. I can focus now and actually get off the couch. Never thought that doing the dishes would be such an accomplishment, it is now! Everyday I find joy in something new!
Matt Doe
I want to share an "Aha!" thought I had about pain and the question we're asked, "Does it help with pain?" I'm fairly certain that my body is less tense now than before I began micro-dosing. From my lifelong struggle against muscle cramps, I know how painful spasmed muscles can be. It's no stretch to say that Mighty Micro may not be a pain reliever in the sense of Big Pharma, but after considering the way my body feels today vs the way I felt 5 months ago, I believe that using Mighty Micro consistently, my body is more relaxed, my neck and shoulders are far less tight than before. I don't feel like I need a chiropractor nearly as often. Reminds me of a friend who recently told me that his doctor had injected something somewhere and it took away his pain. First words out of my mouth were, "What was causing the pain?" That's because that's the way I have looked at healing forever. By the way, he didn't know what was causing the pain.
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